OBDSTAR X300 Pro Software Installation and Update

Recently OBDSTAR X300 Pro Key Master has been issued,and now Uobdii.com enginner tech you to install and update software of obdstar x300 pro key maker.

2.1 Update Tool software installation

Download the update tool and diagnostic software on www.obdstar.com, double

click , then go to the next step:

Step 1 Click “Next”

OBDSTAR X300 Pro Software Installation and Update 1


Step 2: Click “Next

OBDSTAR X300 Pro Software Installation and Update 2

Step 3: Click “Next”

OBDSTAR X300 Pro Software Installation and Update 3

Step 4: Click “Finish”

OBDSTAR X300 Pro Software Installation and Update 4

2.2 Software Updating


After  Update Tool installation  completed, click the Update Tool software icon on desktop to start the update tools. Operation steps as following:

Step 1 Open update tool

OBDSTAR X300 Pro Software Installation and Update 5


Step 2  Click the source menu, choose the program you want to update, click it and confirm

OBDSTAR X300 Pro Software Installation and Update 6

Step 3: Click and select all the software then click “update”

Step 4: Wait for several minutes then the updating finished

OBDSTAR X300 Pro Software Installation and Update 7


If you have other products of OBDSTAR need to update,you can read below article:

Free download & install OBDSTAR Software One Key upgrade tool



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