BMW FEM BDC Test Platform Operation Instructions

BMW FEM BDC test platform in English.

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Ports display

OBD port


The port between KOMBI and EGS, DME plug (EGS plug, DME plug to be purchased separately.


6HP 8HP EGS and additional expansion port


2.BMW FEM BDC test Platform uses instructions:

PS: the port definition is written on the back for your reference.

Connect well the port by following the below picture, then the power supply.

When the second yellow power indicator light flashes, put the key coil close to the back of the key. Then press the start switch for two times, and the red instrument indicator light will flash. Now you could diagnose, program, and match the keys.


Refer to the below picture to ensure the key is put on the best sensor position.


It’s very easy to use as long as the CN7 plug and CN8 plus are connected well, also the key sensor is inside of sensor coil. press two times to open the key, the normal car is the same, long press switch to off the key.

When the instrument light on, it means it can communicate for making key.

Tip: the power supply is required to be 14V 3A or above for more stable especially when programming.

